Turbulence Injures Passengers on a Plane

 In Commercial Vehicle Accidents

On October 18, 2018, a plane on route to Argentina from Miami was hit with severe turbulence. The turbulence was so severe some passengers had to be hospitalized and the inside of the planes passenger cabin was completely destroyed.

We travel so much by plane and for the most part, it is so safe that we sometimes forget that there is still some danger (although very slight). Because of this, many people do not know what to do if they are injured on a plane. Planes are a tricky subject since some instances they really cannot control, such as turbulence. This does not mean that a plane can hit turbulence and a piece of luggage falls because it was not properly secured on to you and injures you and they are not liable.

This same logic applies to everything from city buses to cruise ships. There are exceptions to everything and because of this, all cases have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Here at Lolo Legal, we want to help, and we will not charge you to tell you if you have a case or not. Just give us a call and schedule an appointment and we will sit down with you and go through your possible case with you.

Read the full article here.

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